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for all the current news and program details
Tara Institute
~ Buddhist Meditation Centre
in Melbourne Australia
Welcome to everyone who aspires to gain happiness and inner peace, through the study, meditation
and practice of Mahayana Buddhism.
Our programmes suit beginners and more advanced students in the quest for a more meaningful life.

Venerable Geshe Doga
Community Meeting: 20 Year Vision
2pm on Saturday September 16th 2023
On behalf of the TI Committee, I would like you to attend a Community Meeting to discuss the 20 Year Vision for Tara Institute.
Please click here to view and comment on the draft 20 Year Vision.
About the Draft
Several successive TI Committees have worked on a long-term vision for the Centre, informed by a community survey and multiple community meetings.
Each survey, community consultation and Committee meeting on the Vision has led to new ideas for the future of our incredible Centre. I find this very encouraging – so many of us care deeply about TI and will give our time, effort, and resources to see it flourish.
The continuing flow of ideas has also made it clear that our Vision will continue to change over time. Rather than publish a “final” Vision that we set and that may become irrelevant over time, we are sharing a live and dynamic view of the Centre’s direction with room for new ideas as they emerge. As you can see, our Vision is being shared as a google document that remains open for comments from our community and can be edited as needed.
As you read the Vision, please feel free to add your own ideas as comments. To do this, simply:
Highlight the relevant section of the Vision
Right click and select “Comment”
Type your comment and click “Comment”
While our Vision continues to evolve, our Management Team, led by Kerry (Centre Director) and Kim (SPC), are busy working on many of the areas that have been identified as priorities. Indeed, you will note that many of these ideas have already been brought to fruition by their hard work supported by many dedicated volunteers. There is no sense in which we need to wait for a “final vision” before acting in areas where the path of action is clear to us.
About the Community Meeting
When: 2pm on Saturday September 16th 2023
Where: Landcox Hall, Tara Institute
What will we discuss: the main areas of feedback and comments made by you, our Community
If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact me (Sahil) on president@tarainstitute.org.au
I look forward to seeing many of you there.
Warm regards,
Our solar panel installation is complete!

Many thanks to Sustainability Victoria for their kind support through the Community Climate Change and Energy Action Program (round 3). The grant covered 50% of the cost.
Some details about the system
27.55 kW system
58 x Jinko 475 watt panels with dual optimisers
Solaredge 3 phase inverter
projected savings -
$6357 in the first year (35% saving)
$540,902 after 25 years
38.3% return on investment
benefitting the planet and all sentient beings - priceless!
Artwork fundraiser
Our fundraiser to cover the remaining 50% of the cost of the project was very kindly supported by artist Lynn Miller.
Lynn offered 5 original paintings to choose from as an incentive to people who donated $1000 or more.

Brig and Neville Moore with Lynn Miller (front) and their prize, “Summer Garden”

Martin Ström with Lynn Miller and his prize, “Red Dust and Rain Clouds on the way to Ballarat”
A HUGE thank you to all our generous donors - Lai Hing, Myles, Tracey, Damien, Lucy, Neville & Brig, Martin, Deborah, Viet & Khan, Pam, Louise, Pooja, Mary Lou, Justin, Chelsea, Linda, Oyun, Lois (and all the others who preferred not to be named!)
We have raised $19,654.50 of our $19,654.80 target. Rejoice!

Twelve Links of Dependent Origination
with Geshe Lobsang
Sunday September 24 ~ 9am - 5pm
Lunch included
Members - $50 / Non-members - $70
As quoted by Geshe Doga in 2015 teaching - The purpose of learning about the twelve links of interdependent origination is to achieve the goal of reaching the highest states of samsaric existence, and also to gain freedom from this samsaric realm. Through understanding these twelve links we will understand how we are reborn time and time again, and this understanding will help us to avoid being reborn in the lower, or suffering realms.
Please click here to register
Click here to see course schedule
Call 9596 8900 or email spc@tarainstitute.org.au for more information.
Long Life Puja
for the health and long life of our precious teacher, Geshe Doga
Sunday October 22 ~ 10am
Lunch included
Each year, in order to thank our beloved teacher Geshe Doga for his unwavering commitment and kindness to the students and friends of Tara Institute since 1984, the 16 Arhat Puja is offered to him for his long and healthy life, followed by a delicious lunch.

Everyone is welcome!
Please come and join us in preparing the extensive offerings of flowers, incense, light, food and water. This is a wonderful opportunity to accumulate merit and create something truly beautiful to be offered to our holy guru. It is a lovely and joyous occasion and a chance to catch up with old friends and create new ones.
Please click here to register for this special event
If you are attending the set-up day (Saturday 21st October 2023), please bring some white or yellow flowers for the offering bowls.
Offerings: We welcome donations to cover the costs of the puja - Please contact the office on 9596 8900 or spc@tarainstitute.org.au
The following donations can be made to support the puja -
(Please contact the office on ph: 9596 8900)
500 tea-lights (4 hour burning-time only please)
80kg of rice
Fresh white and yellow flowers for the water bowls
Bring along on the day 8 packets of popping corn for the food bowls
6 Long foam cushions for sanghas
Monetary offerings for the following;
Flowers for the main altar and throughout the building
throne Tsog Geshe Doga and attending Sangha
the Golden Light Sutra

Recitations for Venerable Geshe Doga’s Long Life
Kyabje Zopa Rinpoche has recommended we do this practice to remove any
obstacles to the Venerable Geshe Doga’s long life.
Target - 3000
Tally so far - 1275
It is especially effective if done by Venerable Geshe Doga’s own students, Rinpoche explained.
If you would like to participate in this meritorious practice, or to report any new recitations for our tally,
please contact spc@tarainstitute.org.au or call the office on 03 9596 8900
You can download the text from the FPMT website here
Monday Nights

September 4, 11, 18 & 25 at 8pm
presented in August by Ashvini Shekhar
Introduction to Buddhist Philosophy and Meditation
Philosophical tools to help you with everyday challenges
Suitable for beginners and older students alike
Tuesday Nights*

September 5, 12, 19 & 26 at 7:45pm
Middle Length Lamrim
by Lama Tsong Khapa
with Geshe Doga
* may be subject to change to discussion nights
Wednesdays 11am

Wednesday Morning Guided Meditation Group
Every Wednesday from 11 - 11:30am
The group is suitable for those who are new to meditation and for those who have more experience. A variety of meditations is offered including single pointed concentration and analytical meditations for working with the mind.
No need to book, just come along at 10.55am. The atmosphere is open and relaxed.

Wednesday Nights
August 6, 13, 20 & 27 at 8pm
Guide to the Bodhisattva's Way of Life
by Shantideva
with Geshe Lobsang

Healing Group
Fortnightly on Thursdays
with Venerable Rigsal, Kathi Edward and Ross Moore
Once a fortnight (Thursdays) from 11am to 12.30pm
see our calendar for dates
Click here for more information
Dharma Club for Children
Monthly on Sundays
next - September 10
Once a month (Sunday) from 10.30am to 12.30pm

Download free e-books and booklets from our Publications page, including a digital reprint of Inner Peace and Happiness by Geshe Doga and a selection of Geshe-la's archived teachings.