The Healing Group
Venerable Rigsal, Kathi Edward and Ross Moore lead the new Healing Group, held on alternate Thursday mornings 11am till 12.30pm.
The Healing Group is largely based on the extensive teachings of Lama Zopa Rinpoche who initiated the first healing group at Tara Institute in 1991. As a result, we have a rich source of insight and inspiration on which to draw. Incorporating explanatory talks, guided meditation and discussion, each session focusses on a specific aspect of healing and although complete in itself, also builds sequentially on the previous ones.
Click here for more details of the 9 session program

Ven. Rigsal has extensive experience in hospice palliative care, counselling the dying and bereaved and leading groups in loss and grief. She also worked in the role of SPC at Tara Institute for some years during which time she assisted Bob Sharples in the original Healing Group.
Kathi has been involved in Buddhism since 1982 and draws on the deep insight and the extensive and infallible methods that Buddhism offers. Over the years Kathi has studied and worked in counselling, palliative care and grief and loss as a volunteer and finds that the profound wisdom of Buddhist psychology provides all the tools needed for happiness in life and in death.
Ross met his main Tibetan Buddhist teachers in 1983. In 1991 he had the fortune of participating in Lama Zopa Rinpoche’s first healing course which was intended as a prototype for later courses. As someone who has had bone marrow cancer as well as a stem cell graft Ross feels he is well-positioned to share meditation and other Buddhist methods that prove invaluable, especially when navigating the various challenges that life throws our way.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Anyone suffering from chronic or other serious illnesses is welcome to attend, along with your carer if assistance is required.
There is no charge, however we greatly appreciate donations if you are able to contribute to the running costs of the program. (Even $10 helps)
Alternate Thursdays 11am to 12.30 (followed by tea and cake and time to share)
Please see the online calendar for dates
To enquire about joining, please email healing.group@tarainstitute.org.au, or click here to register.