Healing Group
9 Sessions Program
The structure of the session is relaxed and informal: Introductions and/or time to touch base with each other; guided meditations; explanatory talks and discussions. Each session runs from 11am to 12.30 followed by tea and cake and time to chat.
Anyone suffering from chronic or life-threatening illness is welcome to attend, along with their carer if assistance is required.
These 9 sessions repeat throughout the year, however it is not essential to start at session 1, you are welcome to attend at any time.
A guide to the main focus of each presentation is outlined below; our sessions are largely based on the teachings of Lama Zopa Rinpoche who initiated and lead the first Healing Group at Tara Institute in 1991:
Session 1. General introduction to Buddhist healing concepts.
Overview of Buddhist healing psychology
The nature of mind – Buddha-nature
The cause of disease
The healing power of mind
Healing meditation
Session 2. The healing power of compassion
The nature of compassion
Healing disease through compassion
Successful healing
Releasing disturbing emotions
Meditation on generating compassion
Session 3. Everything comes from the mind
Karma - creating the cause of health and happiness
Healing disease through purification
Transforming our actions of body, speech and mind
Clearing negative energy blocks
Purification meditation on the 4 Opponent Powers
Session 4. The nature of existence
Healing disease through understanding ultimate reality
The ultimate nature of disease
Mental imputation
Liberating fixed concepts
Meditation on emptiness
Session 5. The healing power of faith
Generating conviction in our potential to heal
The source of power
Our untapped inner strength
Healing the mind is paramount
Using our source of power in meditation
Session 6. Living with chronic illness
Transforming illness into happiness
The benefits of illness
Dealing with depression
The heart of healing: taking and giving
‘Tonglen’ meditation
Session 7. The Medicine Buddha
Utilising traditional Buddhist healing practices
Benefits of the Medicine Buddha practice
The power of mantra
Transforming body and mind
A simple Medicine Buddha meditation
Session 8. Avoiding untimely death
Buddhist deity practices to prolong life
Protecting others from harm (including liberating animals)
Enhancing our well-being, gratitude and joy
Sponsoring healing pujas
Healing meditations for specific diseases
Session 9. The Buddhist approach to death
How to relate to the dying process
Releasing fears; acceptance
Addressing regrets; being at peace
Ensuring a calm and supportive atmosphere
Buddhist meditation on the dying process