Tara Institute ~
Buddhist Meditation Centre
Tara Institute is named after the female Buddha,
Tara, who represents the enlightened and
liberating activities of all the Buddhas.
Tara was born from the tears of compassion of Avalokiteshvara, the Great Compassionate One, and
puts his wishes into practice, caring for each and every sentient being as a mother would her precious child.

The main function of Tara Institute is to provide Buddhist teachings and to offer charitable service to the greater community and to promote the attitude of loving kindness. Venerable Geshe Doga has been the resident teacher at the Centre since 1984.
In addition to the regular weekly programme are weekend courses, pujas, special healing courses, social events and activities for children. The Centre is residential for full-time residents. It is supported through residency, membership fees, donations and volunteer work. Amongst the facilities are a library, dining room and a well-stocked bookshop. Please see our newsletter and calendar also.
Tara Institute is one of nearly 160 centres and study groups under the worldwide affiliation umbrella of the Foundation for the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition (FPMT).
The Centre has a large membership base that supports its activities, as well as a floating population of about 400 who attend the programme or visit periodically.